Special Education
Southmont Schools provide a free and appropriate public education or FAPE to all students found eligible under our State Special Education Regulations known as Article 7.
Our special education team of therapists, teachers, instructional assistants, specialists, and school psychologists work in collaboration with the general education staff to meet the needs for each identified student. General education with special education supports is our least restrictive placement, but additional supports and services along the special education continuum are available as warranted by the student’s individualized education program or IEP.
Southmont Schools work in collaboration with the West Central Indiana Special Services Cooperative (WCISSC) to service students with special needs.
The Indiana Department of Education provides these excellent resources for families looking for more information regarding their rights as their son or daughter’s guardian. This document: Navigating the Course – is a parent-friendly overview of Article 7 and your Procedural Safeguards.