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Counseling Services

The Mission of Southmont Schools' Counseling Services, in partnership with other educators, parents/guardians, and the community, is to provide a comprehensive, developmental counseling program that addresses the academic, career, and social/emotional development of all students, and ensures that they are self-directed, lifelong learners who are prepared to become productive and responsible citizens.

Counseling services are available to all students in our district. The role of the school counselor is to provide services for students who may have personal issues affecting their lives, including social, school, and/or home. School counselors help establish lines of communication between staff and students, and provide academic, career, and social/emotional skills for all students. Experienced, licensed counselors are available daily and by appointment.

All Southmont Schools Counseling Programs are recognized as ASCA Model Programs (RAMP) and have been awarded the Indiana Gold Star School Counseling Award.

School Counselors

Brad Acton

School Counselor
Southmont High School

Haley Beach

School Counselor, Southmont Jr. High School
Southmont Jr. High School

Sara Burkhart

School Counselor
New Market Elementary School

Kelsey Feese

School Counselor
Southmont High School

Lenna Schroll

School Counselor
Ladoga Elementary School, Walnut Elementary School