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Severe Allergy Information

Southmont Schools recognize the needs of the growing number of our students with potentially life-threatening food allergies and harmful food intolerances. To safely care for your child during the school day, please provide the school nurse with the following:

  • A list of allergens that your student is allergic to
  • An EpiPen if it has been prescribed
  • A completed dietary form from the physician so the cafeteria staff can accommodate the foods that may be the allergen

Each health office also has a standing physician's order for a stock EpiPen that can be used in the event of a severe allergic reaction. However, we also want you to provide a personal one for your student if it has been prescribed. If an EpiPen is administered, the parent and 911 will also be called. Additionally, pertinent cafeteria staff, teachers, and bus drivers are made aware of students with specific allergies.

As always, we value good communication with you regarding the health concerns of your student so that they are safe at school.

Standing Orders and Protocol for Epinephrine